The Dream Team: Hipster, Hacker, and Hustler – Key Players in Success


In any endeavour, the people you collaborate with can make or break the outcome. However, when your goal is nothing less than world domination, assembling a team of highly skilled individuals becomes paramount. This article delves into a valuable insight shared by Rei Inamoto, the chief creative officer for AKQA, which emphasizes the importance of having a well-rounded team comprising a Hipster, a Hacker, and a Hustler. Drawing from personal experience, this trio has proven to be a winning formula for tackling ambitious projects.

The Hipster: Crafting Cool and Creative Designs

Typically, the Hipster takes on the role of the designer or creative genius within the team. Their mission is clear: make the final product not only exceptional but also cooler than anything else in the market. However, their influence goes beyond aesthetics. The Hipster pays meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that even the subtlest nuances, such as the choice of a font’s accent colour, pay homage to a relatively obscure ’70s artist. Their creative touch elevates the project to new heights.

The Hacker: Master of Implementation

The Hacker is the unsung hero who often maintains a quiet presence until the crucial moment arises. This individual is akin to MacGyver, armed with the ability to navigate various lines of code and programming languages effortlessly. When confronted with the pivotal question of “how?” regarding the realization of a new idea or initiative, the Hacker steps up with a solution. Their rapid keystrokes and coding prowess can leave others in awe, as they transform concepts into reality.

The Hustler: Bridging the Gap to Success

The Hustler might be the most misunderstood member of this dynamic trio. Often, the Hipster may accuse the Hustler of compromising their artistic integrity by catering to partners and clients. The Hacker, recalling a jock vs. geek high school rivalry, may prefer to avoid one-on-one interactions with the Hustler. However, it is the Hustler who plays a pivotal role in translating the team’s combined efforts into tangible success.

The Power of the Triad

When the Hipster contributes creativity and a cool factor, the Hacker provides technical solutions and expertise, and the Hustler packages the venture effectively, navigating sales and partnerships, it forms an unbeatable combination. Each member complements the others, resulting in a synergy that propels the team towards success.

Do You Have the Dream Team?

The article concludes by prompting readers to consider whether their team comprises these essential elements: a Hipster, a Hacker, and a Hustler. In embracing this diverse blend of skills and perspectives, teams can aspire to achieve their loftiest goals.

Closing Note

For further insights on excelling as a Hustler within a team and mastering the art and science of this role, readers can follow the author on Twitter: @andyellwood.

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