Leadership: What It Is and What It Is Not

Leadership is a role or position that involves leading a group of people in an organization or country. However, leadership is not tied to a particular position in a company or organization, nor does it require a particular title. It is not about personal attributes, such as charisma or extroversion, and it is not synonymous with management.

Defining Leadership

Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality, according to Warren Bennis, while Bill Gates believes that leaders will be those who empower others. Good leadership requires a unique set of skills, including good management, patience, understanding, trust, vision, communication skills, and negotiation skills.

Responsibilities of a Leader

As a leader, your responsibility is to guide your team, department, or organization. You must manage the performance and responsibilities of everyone in the group. Skills for good leadership can be grouped into three categories: interpersonal skills, informational skills, and decision-making skills.

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills involve gathering, processing, and providing information and ideas on behalf of your organization. They include being a figurehead, which involves being a source of inspiration, and being a liaison, which requires effective networking.

Informational Skills

The leadership responsibilities in this category involve gathering and processing information. The monitor role requires seeking out information related to your organization and industry, while the disseminator role involves communicating potentially useful information to colleagues and team members. The spokesperson role involves representing and speaking for your organization.

Decision-Making Skills

This category involves using information to make decisions on behalf of your organization. The entrepreneurship role involves creating and controlling change within the organization, while the disturbance handler role requires dealing with unexpected roadblocks.


Leadership is a complex role that requires unique skills and abilities. It is not tied to a particular position or title and involves guiding a team or organization towards a vision. Good leaders possess a combination of interpersonal skills, informational skills, and decision-making skills, which allow them to lead their team to success.

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