Rift Technologies

Rift Technologies is an IT and Software Development company based in Nigeria, aiming to be one of Africa’s leading software development and IT consulting company.
We offer innovative advertising, business, marketing and software development solutions that meet the needs of our diverse clientèle.

We adopt a revolutionary result-driven approach to deliver solutions and services that are anchored on in-depth product/project research, ingenius marketing and strategic service philosophy.

We are known for adhering to project scopes, quality deliverables and prompt feedback, with a dedicated team of savvy professionals articulate in software design & development technologies.


To break down the walls of technological adoption, advancement and integration in our daily lives.


To help build a world where it is easy to adopt new and existing technologies.

Furthermore, we have talent outsourcing firms and partners with a pool of top-rated personnels to cater to your project from research and design, through development and implementation all recruited through an exhaustive process.

Our resource personnel are articulate, analytical, and understand the nuances of each client’s business and project scope with a focus for quality and timely delivery.

Because of our continued quest for excellence in service delivery, we are constantly adapting to newer technologies and innovations and have evolved into a firm that offers robust Technical Enterprise solutions.

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